Elytra Flying Server is OPEN

Elytra Flying Server is OPEN

The Elytra Flying Server will be open on Saturday, July 30. Come race your friends, test your limits. This server is extremely hard on your computer. If you have trouble with lag or with spawning chunks, you may need to tweek your video settings. Optifine for 1.10.2...

1st Professional Development workshop on Minecraft for Teachers

Our inaugural Minecraft for Teachers workshop is scheduled for July 31, at 8:00 PM EST. We’ll be focusing on working out all the bugs with TeamSpeak, which will be a critical tool to allowing large groups of teachers to communicate. We’ll also be giving a...

Professional Development in Minecraft for Educators!

Minecraft training – We’ll be holding some professional development sessions on the Minecraft for Teachers server. Plans are afoot for some basic Minecraft training class as well as some advanced ones around redstone, maybe command blocks and possibly...

Minecraft for Teachers is now OPEN

I am happy to announce that the Minecraft for Teachers server is now open. Educators, you can email (from a school email address) me your name, school, school website (so I can verify that you are a teacher) and Minecraft name, and I can add you to the server. I will...
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