Creative Server is broken
Hi Everyone, I’m sorry to say the creative server did not survive the upgrade to 1.11 and the migration to a new server. Something has become corrupted in the creative database, and 99% of the data is lost. We were able to get onto the server today, but it was...Gameknight999 server is opening again!
Hi Everyone, We’ve worked out lots of the problems, moved to a new server host, OwnageHosting, a great company, and it looks like the Lobby and Survival will be open today. Sadly, the chests in your shops will no longer work as that plugin has been abandoned by...Gameknight999 Server update
Hi Everyone, Just to keep you updated, we are still trying to update the servers to 1.11. All of the plugins have now been updated and we’ve done some tests, but have run into issues with the actual server. We are in discussions with the server host company and...Minecraft 1.11 update
Hi Everyone, Minecraft 1.11 – I’m sure you know Minecraft 1.11 came out today. We will be upgrading the server to 1.11 when the server software and all of the plugins that we use on the Gameknight999 server are updated as well. In the past this has taken a...
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